"Everyone has the right to clear, accessible, timely and meaningful information about the nature and extent of the threat to their health".

(Esteban Beltrán, Director of Amnesty International's Spanish Section, before the Economic and Social Reconstruction Commission of the Spanish Parliament, European Union Group, 12 June 2020)


Attempt to view in perspective the health hazard posed by the COVID-19 pandemic:

Mortality in spring of 2020 in Spain and Germany compared to the general death rate in both countries

8. Materials


Diagrams of the European Mortality Monitoring, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen

Week 20/2020, downloaded on 15/05/2020, pdf-format

Week 19/2021, downloaded on 16/05/2021, pdf-format

Wee 19/2021, downloaded on 16/05/2021, png-format


Diagrams of the Monitoreo de la Mortalidad (Mortality Monitoring) of the Instituto Carlos III, Madrid

Mortality from 1 December 2019 until 30 April 2020, including the period of excess mortality 17 March until 30 April 2020, downloaded on 01/05/2020, format .pdf

Data sheets of the
Monitoreo de la Mortalidad (Mortality Monitoring) of the Instituto Carlos III, Madrid

Mortality February 2020 until May 2020, inclusive, downloaded on 02/06/2020, format .ods

Mortality 15/05/2018 to 01/06/2020, downloaded on 02/06/2020, format .csv

(Mind download time: 14,7 MB)

Nosocomial infections in Spain

EPINE-EPPS 2017 Informe Global de España Resumen.pdf


Data sheets of the Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Office of Statistica), Wiesbaden

Special survey deaths (Sonderauswertung Sterbefälle) 2016-2020, downloaded on 05/06/2020
, format .ods

Special survey deaths (Sonderauswertung Sterbefälle) 2016-2021, downloaded on 27/01/2021, format .pdf

Materials of the Robert Koch Institute, Berlin

Epidemiologisches Bulletin 17/2020, 23 Apil, 2020, downloaded on 10/06/2020, format .pdf

Materials of the Bundesministerium des Inneren (Federal Ministry of the Interior), Berlin:

Wie wir COVID-19 unter Kontrolle bekommen (How to get COVID-19 unde control),
anonymous, no date, "leaked" in April 2020, downloaded om 28/04/2020

Wie wir COVID-19 unter Kontrolle bekommen (How to get COVID-19 under cotrol)
, anonmous, no date, downloaded on 16/05/2021


1. Definition of the problem and summary

1.1. Definition of the problem

1.2. Summary

2. Spain

2.1 General mortality pattern

2.2 Deaths in Spain between February and the end of May 2020

Table 1: Monthly deaths (all causes) in Spain at times of influenza and COVID-19

3. Germany

3.1 General mortality pattern

3.2 Deaths in Germany between January and the end of April 2020

Table 2: Monthly deaths (all causes) in Germany at times of influenza and COVID-19

4. The usual "background" mortality patterns in Spain and Germany
compared to deaths with COVID-19

5. Open questions

6. Personal follow-up comments in May 2021

7. Sources

8. Materials

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